
About the Author

Bruno Emeka Onuoha  sees himself as a naturally conferred human rights activist, who is driven by the ideology of - "I can disagree with your views, but can defend to death your right to air your views". Hence Bruno stands for justice and fairness, and is ready to pay the ultimate price in the defense of people's rights. No wonder, he is a member of a group by the name Congress for Justice and Fairness (CJF) and other human rights groups.

Bruno is a writer with two novels to his credit - (The Inner Temple (2013) and The Deadly Artifact (2012). he is currently working on other novels.

Bruno has been blogging for years (since 2004), then on the social site ( And later on facebook ( Before starting this blog in 2013.

 He is a social critic who believes that man was created to live peacefully under God and not the violence in the world today. He also believes that government was set up to better the welfare of society and not to serve the interest of the political class/elites. Hence he sees himself as an agent of "people-centred advocacy" and a defender of the poor. Hence his founding an NGO by the name Saint Bruno Foundation.(which is locally based).

Bruno has collaborated with the Federal Ministry of Health and Society for Family Health to carry out campaigns on Cancer and HIV/AIDS respectively in the years 2010 and 2006 respectively. The campaigns covered several communities and impacted more than Four thousand lives.

Bruno Emeka Onuoha is unrelenting in his quest for a better world. To him "the only cure for grief is action".

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