
Monday 22 July 2013



Chiji is my ten years old little niece - always cheerful, jovial, inquisitive, adventurous and witty. She has demonstrated brilliance in academics and her utterances at times makes people who come across her  to ask how old she is. Yet at times she displays her childishness  through some mannerisms; some of which are clothed in innocence.

Personally i see Chiji as not only my niece but also my daughter  - hence i tolerates her childish pranks at times (though sometimes i puts on a facade of hostility). I also buy gifts for her just to make her happy. Thus Chiji's happiness is of paramount importance to me. Hence i take measures to ensure she wasn't bullied in school and at home.
Ironically Chiji is about to be 'bullied' through the very instrument that was meant to protect her in the first place - the CONSTITUTION! (unless the House of Reps counters it at the floor and Conference).

The recent debates on the floor of the Senate, which saw the Senate allowing the controversial clause in the constitution (section 29, subsection 4) which  states that: (a) "full age" means the age of eighteen and above". And, (b) "Any woman who is married shall be deemed to be of full age" based on this clause, a Senator who claims to be more Islamic than the Prophet who founded it countered the move by Senators to remove the clause stating that it is 'un-islamic' to place limits on the age of girls when it comes to marriage.

When i reached home that night i was surprised to hear Chiji confront me saying: "uncle  so you have been playing on my senses?". I was shocked by her utterances, hence i asked her: "Chiji, what is the meaning of that?" Drawing her face into a frown she said; "I  saw on the news today where a Senator was supporting child marriage - he was saying that any girl who is married should be seen as being of full age and i remembered you told me that there are certain places you wont allow me to go untill i am of full age and when i asked when will i be considered to be of full age, you said from eighteen years. But i overheard uncle Chukwu saying that the Senator married a sixteen year old girl few years ago."

I was dumbfounded. But not willing to allow the 'innocence' of my little niece to be broken by a eccentric politician with paedophilic proclivity, i began  enlightening Chiji on the topic and succeeded in dissuading her mind from the negative impact of the utterances of a lawmaker who many look up to as a role model.

I have always maintained that the greatest "good tragedy" that befalled man on earth was religion! Yes, religion is the only medium that beclouds a man's sense of reasoning while projecting him as a 'a wise and faithful one' whereas in the real sense of things, he is a "GLORIFIED ZOMBIE". (my apologies if that sounds so harsh).

But do we blame the founders of these religions? No.This is because the original concept of most religion were for the betterment of humanity as they connect to the source of  Infinite Intelligence - the creator, their God. But various misinterpretations of the concepts have given rise to the confusions we have in the world today - which is threatening humanity as a whole.

Today, it is very religious to call some persons 'infidel'  and then murder them with a promise of virgins in the hereafter. Today It is very religious to look down on people of different faith. Yet in our ingloriousness we still bask in the euphoria of being 'holy and worthy' of being counted as 'faithful'.

Today we are giving new definitions to nearly all nature ordered things including marriage;
Today, marriage is no longer between a man and a woman  only, and now any female child could be "abused" into "adulthood" to marry.

Well, one thing i want  to tell whoever wants to "marry" Chiji my TEN YEAR OLD niece at this age is: "Please go and buy a BODY ARMOUR as you come.

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